It appears you are trying to open a file which has been already accessed by newer version of Manager

Please help me to to roll back my data to version 6 December, I want to use this version on desktop temporarily to prepare myself to work with the server version.
This my last wish.

You cannot do that. The closest you could get would be to install the old program and import a backup from before its release date. If you don’t have a backup, there is nothing you can do. This has been explained many, many times on the forum over the years.

What is the reason going to the old version?

Actually for me I have not seen any problems before and I am very impressed with the developments that have occurred in the system over the past five years. I appreciate the effort put into this.
But the January updates were unexpected and they have exhausted me a lot.
Mr. Tut also advised me (in correspondence between us) to move to the server version so that I can be sure of future developments before updating.
I think this is the right solution for me.
Knowing that I have not made any modifications related to Customize so that my request would be difficult.
I hope my request will be accepted.

New upgrade which resolves most inventory issues based on the community feedback has been published today. I’m in the process of writing topic on it to explain the mechanics and rationale.

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This is great news

Hopefully this update will solve the inventory and divisions issue.
This news really made me verry happy
I wish you the best, and thank you verry verry much for your great efforts.

Hi Lupos

Did you make the necessary adjustments?

Because I have reviewed the data and found that it has been completely modified and even better than the previous versions.
The only thing I found changed is that the Inventory Write-offs has now been working with quantities only.
For me it is preferable to work the Inventory Write-offs in the previous way but it is not a big problem as I can do it with a journal entry.

Congratulations. This is really a great work

With all due respect and thanks

Please note that it is Lubos! You keep misspelling his name.

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