IO exception, Manager.exe cannot start

Cannot start manager.exe on Windows Vista system. Following error message is displayed immediately after starting Manager.exe

Really strange. Can you completely uninstall the program and install again? It looks like one of these three files might be missing in your installation directory:

  • ManagerServer.exe
  • HttpFramework.dll
  • protobuf-net.dll

If reinstall doesn’t work, uninstall again, delete installation directory and then install again. That should definitely fix the problem.

Manual delete helps, thanks.

I tried uninstall / manual delete but the software is still not launching

@toshymathew Your error is different.

Someone else had the same problem and this solved it:

Today Manager cannot start. I don’t know what to do. I uninstalled Manager and install it again but the problem still exists. I checked procedures that are running in my task manager and i don’t found something.

Please for your help.

Have you tried to restart your computer?

Yes I did. But nothing happened.

OK fixed. But the message was wrong. The problem was that the business files are on a computer which had network problem. I fixed network problem and everything is ok.

I am experiencing the problem of manager not starting and it gives the following message

will uninstalling manager make me loose all my data?

You need to upgrade to the latest version. Uninstalling Manager won’t delete your data though (data is in separate folder, not in the installation folder)