Inventory not reduce after receipt issued

Hey friends, I have an issue with my inventory…
My stock keeper draw my attention to inventory not reduce after receipt as been issued from cashier. I have check everywhere but i couldn’t find where the receipt was removed from the inventory.

The image of receipt and inventory is below for your kind of preview



The history of the receipt was not fund in the inventory that was issue. I have even check other location but still samething, i couldn’t find it in the inventory history.

I also search the product in the receipt in ‘Inventory items’ and click on the product to see the sellout history and i still coudn’t find the receipt number on the receipt above in the sellout history in inventory items as well [IMAGE BELOW]

I have restarted the cloud and yet, nothing changed

You should show the full screen, not partial screens

I got you… But the receipt is today and all the screenshot shared captured today and yesterday

In the receipt check Column QTY and enter QTY that you sold. Its not showing on inventory qty on hand/qty owned because you havent entered any qty on receipt.

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There is information missing from your partial screen shots that is important when trying to understand your problem and diagnose the issue correctly

I suspect you are looking at the wrong inventory item. Make sure the sold inventory is the exact item you checking