Would it be possible to import a batch of transactions from excel including tax code?
Also when clicking tab “sales Invoice” a list of invoices is available, would you be able to modify the menus shown there, to include tax code, or say Net amount and Gross amount?
Same thing applies, I can apply custom fields to the Sales invoice, and i found a way to batch create, but have not found a way to batch create tax codes.
Kindly note that VAT applies according to the item, and not nature of customer. so a customer may purchase an item at say 5% VAT and another item at 18% on same invoice.
Not directly and without modification. You would need to do a Batch Create. Read the Guide: https://www.manager.io/guides/9572. The biggest challenge will be determining all the necessary UUIDs for customers and tax codes. For that, you need to enter at least one transaction manually covering all customers and tax codes.
No. Those are not menus. Tab lists can only be modified by adding custom fields checked to show as columns. And, in some cases, enabling other functional tabs adds columns that become relevant as the new functions are added.
The button is right there at the bottom of the Tax Codes list in the Settings tab. You will face the same UUID challenge. In most cases, it will be easier to simply enter the tax codes or import the localized tax codes if available for the jurisdictions involved.
“VAT applies according to the item, and not nature of customer. so a customer may purchase an item at say 5% VAT and another item at 18% on same invoice.” is not a question but simply an explanation of a scenario, as I would like to batch create a number of invoices, each invoice will contain two lines one at 5% VAT and the other at 18%.
First of all you should do a batch create through the sales invoice tab and not journal entries. It seems that you are very novice in manager. What you want it can be done, I do weekly importing sales invoices from the einvoice Italian tax portal into Manager through batch create.
I must warn you that it is not an easy task given the fact that each line of excel should contain arrays of lines of the invoice and that external fields are linked through UUID.
What I suggest is first to understand deeplyhow Manager works and then if you are not an Excel guru to hire someone.
You need to update your version of DotNet to something much more current. That is likely to be the reason the totals are not displayed under the amount column.
Also as @Davide explained, export is different to Batch update or Batch create in Manager.
To understand the data format,
first manually enter a few of the records you would like to import
Do a “Batch update” to see the record format. Records with multiple line items will have multiple lines in the csv file (so multiple lines in the spreadsheet cell).
“Bach create” format is identical to “Batch update” except the final “Key” column is not included.
Manager uses a relational database, links between tables are via the UUID or “Key”. Batch update from the various Manager tabs (which generally also have a relational database table) can be used to find most of the UUID.
what is your version of DotNEt, I am using desktop version just downloaded this week, to consider if i should switch to manager.io. playing with desktop version before going for the online version.
now I find it both line item 1 and line item 2 are within the same data field, this means that to add line item 3 through batch update actually you need to manually update data field with details to line item 3, rather then have a separate row of data, correct?
I thought, that for an invoice which say has two separate lines actually, in the "create you will need to input two rows of data with same invoice number. The system seems to require to actually concatenate the data into one row, ie 1 row per invoice irrelevant of the amount of lines, with regards to tax codes etc, i release that the system comprehends the actual reference corresponding to a tax code and not tax code, very strange setup, i cannot think of how to connect this to automate and speed things up with my OCR interface.
The hard programming task is to interpret a variety of invoices to identify what are the fields for each line item, what is the business names vs address. What are the totals and what is each a total of.
After everything is accurately in fields, generating the database format required for Manager is relatively easy. It does involve reproducing part of Manager’s database structure externally though.
I can understand this kind of need for purchase invoices but not for sales invoices.
Where are they generated? Why do you have them only in PDF and not in another format? You better get them from the DB of the orginal software rather than from a visul invoice in PDF.
Manager.io is a very nice software and i really would like to onboard it. The thing is i want to go faster then my current system, ie clients bring the paperwork in every month and manually work through it. Thus i though of building a mobile app where clients just take a picture and its done. On my side we will have another app where we received the images, the fields are populated with data, and a structure mapped out matching manager.io; and voila simply export the details in correct format from app and upload into manager.io and done, well that was the idea - the whole point is not to have end of month every time struggling and extensive long hours. So the requirement is for both Sale and Purchases.
Other softwares I tested but did not like some of there features, required simply an excel in correct field sequence and a simple batch upload, all worked out that for an invoice be it sales or expense, for every excel row with the same invoice number, the software simply adds more invoice lines. manager.io is functioning in a way that each row has to be an invoice, thus if an invoice has 7 lines, all the details needs be in the same row, and that style of formatting is a big challenge to generate, apart from the key per invoice pattern.
Let’s split Sales and Purchases since they are two completely different worlds.
For Sales it doesn’t make any sense to generate a pdf from whatever software you want you use, scan it, make an OCR, map it, import it in Manager and so on.
I give you three solutions:
The simplest, buy an online version of Manager, cloud or server edition, and compile the invoices from wherever you are in the world.
You don’t want or can’t make it online? You can create a DB directly in Excel that both generates the invoices and create the raw script that is needed to batch create the invoices inside Manager.
You need to use a different software (it is my case since in Italy we must use electronic invoices)? Create the invoice through the other software. Export the raw list of the transactions in Excel, make the conversion and batch create the invoices. I made this solution with a full day of work in Excel.
About Purchase invoices. There are many softwares that do localised OCR on a page. One of them is Arxivar and its so called “Plugin Manager” which gets raw data from wherever you want, even OCR, manage it and writes it in a different database. When I went to Arxivar Accademy to learn how to use it, one of the first thing that they told us was “don’t try to use it to acquire purchase invoice because you have no control of the format of pdf you receive”. So, even if you make a map for every supplier (don’t know how many you got on my side it would be impossible) you cannot be sure that you will have a correct result.
By the way, just to make you understand how error prone is the solution you have in mind, let me explain how they suggested to acquire pdf of sales invoices: you should simply map where to get the number on the invoices, query the database of your invoicing software to get additional data and write it inside Arxivar.
I believe it is a import data format problem not a program limitation.
That is why XML businesses to businesses communication is being developed. Doing so helps businesses. It does however help governments even more as it provides a huge resource to data mine for tax fraud.
In the absence of XML data interchange, bank import can achieve much of the benefit, admittedly only after payment.
But perhaps I’m being too pessimistic. OCR could be used to reduce typing, provided the aim was for all invoices to have some manual editing / checking. A big project but it would have a wide spread application.