Importing Data from Excel sheet or any other format (Batch Import)

I want to import hundreds of transactions into manager and all those data are on an excel sheet, like sale and purchase invoices, is there a way to import them from that sheet, like importing purchase invoices by a specific format that Manager accepts and not enter all those transaction 1 by 1 manually.

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.

Use Batch Create. See the following guide for more detail:

I tried it but the only problem for me is the UUID for customers and suppliers, is there a way to avoid using that ?
I can find the keys by using batch update of customer & supplier tab, but it is not convenient enough.

Starting from version 24.1.7, UUIDs are no longer required, provided you have setup unique codes for your Customers/Suppliers.

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When entering transaction data into accounting software other entities involved in the transaction must be uniquely identified.

When using the GUI the user is guided to select from a specific list of existing options within the software.

When automating this process the same task MUST occur. A UNIQUE link defined within the software is used to achieve this. Whether you use a UUID or a unique code makes little difference, you will still need to use a spreadsheet vlookup or equivalent & manual checking of outliers to convert from a text name to the exact unique link reference.

Yes, as @Ealfardan said here

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I tried putting codes for suppliers and customers, it works fine without needing UUIDs