Import bank statement

Hi, bank statement impossible.
I tried many changements about amount, and in different format: .qif, .ofx, .csv.

Is there someone to help me ?
I work on osx, with last update manager, and export different formats from icompta.

Bank statement imports are almost impossible to troubleshoot remotely, because the programs screens, dialogs, etc. are context-specific. You are going to have to provide very detailed and precise information, with screens shots, to illustrate. A sample of an imported statement would also be helpful.

“Bank statement impossible” gives us nothing to go on.

How import .qif file with this rules:

Each time manager says no valid file.

For what I remember having read in some posts already available on this forum (you can use the search button in upper right corner) it’s normally a date problem. Open the .qif file and see how the date is formatted, then set this format in the settings.

And in the Guides section there’s a Guide available about Importing bank statements.

When I search in forum, find 2 different articles, no visible.
And in the guides explain nothing about date problem.
They are written in same format: dd/MM/yyyy.

Capture d’écran 2022-03-30 à 13.22.30


I use Quicken (QIF) files from my own bank without issues.

The screenshot you’ve given certainly looks like a QIF file. I’m looking at one of mine in an editor and it appears similar to what you have shown us.

My date format in the file is the same (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy), but the amount subtracted is on a different line for me.

Here is what you have:


For comparison, this is what I have:


Notice how in yours, the price appears AFTER the supplier name, but for me the price appears BEFORE the supplier name. I wonder if that is the issue?

My date and number format is as follows:

Your date and time format seems similar to mine, except your “Time format” is empty. I doubt that is the issue, but perhaps try choosing a time format and then re-attempt the import.

You should use the :mag: in the upper right corner, just as I indicated in post #4

@nini1, in post #7, your screen shots show that you are searching the forum for tags, not for subjects. Only moderators have permission to see topics with tags in the guides category. So you will never see any results that way. You need to search in the forum with ordinary language (leaving out the hyphens). The Search function will then return either topics containing your search terms in the subject or in the subject and/or text, depending on what you select.

Je me suis débrouillé.


Very good / Trés bien

For the benefit of others, perhaps you could explain what you did to solve the problem?