Importing bank statement (.csv file). will be difficult.
Even manual input in manager is NOT available (WHY NOT).
Importing financial data (in .csv format) from a regular bank account in Manager will result in the well known most known…
Error messages:
- The document “TESTFORMAT copy.csv” could not be opened. Manager cannot open files in the “comma-separated values” format.
and: - The file you are trying to import is invalid. What a…&#?!!#
I have complied with the manager program limitations and remarks:
But still it is not done yet!
Why is this program so critical and picky. This program chokes on a comma between the lines (which is generally applied). I have a program (Money-pro) and it has no problems at all. Time for a smart programmer to tinker with this. Maybe it can be fixed after a next update?
It starts with struggling after downloading a common bank (RABO) .csv file and then to transform it and try to import it in MANAGER.
and following the attentions and limitations MANAGER told me to do:
delete other columns and rename 5 columns in EXEL:
Use all in US format such as decimal point instead of a komma.
Date will in the format: dd/mm/yy
and I have followed the next recommandations via diverse topics:
"possible solution:
Hope you got it all sorted. I haven’t had any trouble downloading CSV file to Excel but in early days I had to get help with the date & column headings so that I could import. No trouble now - each time I download CSV to Excel I then put headings across the columns: DATE- PAYEE- DESCRIPTION- REFERENCE- AMOUNT (making sure the info is actually in description column which is what Manager uses for bank rules), highlight the Date column and change to dd/mm/yyyy and delete the last column which is the running bank balance column and not needed.
At the risk of repeating what you’ve read elsewhere in the Guides or on the forum, consider the following:
• If your bank offers any option for exporting statements besides Excel or .csv format, use it.
• You said you had the file in a spreadsheet. Be aware that while most spreadsheets will open and display .csv files, you are not looking at a .csv file, but at a file in the format of the spreadsheet program. You actually need a .csv file for your import to Manager.
• Be sure you have included column headings and that they match those listed in the Guide exactly.
• Eliminate all commas in the data. The .csv format interprets commas as delimiters.
• Search the forum for solutions other users have found to their troubles with .csv files.
• Try making sure everything is purely text.
• Understand that there is no standard for .csv bank files. Banks put whatever they want in the various fields. So there really is no way to troubleshoot except by trial and error.
1.1) system settings should be: comma is decimal point. Manager needs decimal point in the currency value, rather than comma (Netherlands). As the comma is the value separator (CSV), during import the intended currency value might otherwise be interpreted as two separate values.
1.2) within Manager, set the date etc settings too to UK or US.
2. don´t forget - as suggested earlier - to have the field names in row one, cell one (A1), separated by comma’s. Too, see 5), last line.
3. A value of € 92,23 (or any European currency, notated with a comma…) should be visible as 92.23 (with a decimal point and too without the currency sign. For that matter, check 1.1 and 1.2: temporarily reset Manager as well as system settings to UK or US and then (re-)start using Excell to compose the data (either by import or entry). Too see Lubos´ response a few messages up w/t to negative amounts (prefix payments with a minus sign in front of the value, e.g. -92,23).
4. consequently, as a result of 1.1 and 1.2 the date format of the imported or pasted input data might be wrong to start with too. Do some Excell magic to get the YYYYMMDD format for the date values. Paste this result ´as values´ into another column. And then delete the columns used for this manipulation.
5. if you were using multiple columns to compose the data, merge them all into a new column (Excell formula:“=A2&”,“&B2&”,“&C2&”,“&D2&”,“&E2). Select and paste the result column into the next column AS VALUES. Move or copy the header values in cell A1 (containing the coma separated field names) into the header of this column. NOTE: empty fields would show up as two commas.
6. save the file as an Excell file (xls or xlsx), as you might need it to recompile things if import into Manager fails.
7. delete all columns preceeding the result of 5) and save the file as CSV file (next to the Excell xls or xlsx version of 6).
8.1) prior to 7), DON´T have hidden or additional rows or columns. 8.2) don´t have multiple worksheets too, only one will work.
9. after saving the Excell as CSV file, check the contents by means of a regular text editor, like Notepad on Windows and TextEdit on Mac. This might show possible irregularities, like wrong date and currency formats. Correct things by means of the xls or xlsx file, generated in step 6). And proces with 8) onwards.
10. Too, count the number of coma´s in any line. This always should be one less the number of fields in the header: 4 (with 5 fields, if I recall correctly). If more commas, than see bullets 1) and 2) and restart by correcting, followed by 6) onwards.
Success & best regards !”
However It is still not possible for me to import my bank data in manager yet.
Import manually or import a certain file format, without much trouble should be no problem for MANAGER? There appear to be a lot of complaints about this, but they don’t do much about it, I think that the programmer(s) of Manager have a job to do. See it; as a challenge to accommodate the user of Manager.
So after this swan song: I am using only the Cash account option to do my business.
Greetings from Ralph
Greetz Ralph