I have problem opening my manager io on my computer

I cannot open my manager io which was sent to me by email as an attachment from my staff who is in charge in finance in my company. I have no problem opening this attachment before, it only happen in the last few weeks .

Please advice

Make sure that you have a newer version than your staff of Manager otherwise it will not open. Ideally you have the same version if exchanging files frequently.

What do you mean by “I cannot open my manager io…?” Do you mean you cannot open a backup file? Or you cannot open the Manager application? What is different in the last few weeks? (New computer, operating system update?) You have given us no information to work with.

Hi Tut,
Thank you for your reply. My staff sent me his finance report by email and attached the manager. But when I download the manager attachment it wont open. Also, all my Manager files that I save in my computer won’t open either. I also tried using my friend’s computer to see if I could open the manager attachment in my email but failed to open it.

A box pop up and says;

Adobe Acrobat Reader could not open the manager because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged ( for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn’t correctly decoded) Could you please explain what this means?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you,

This does not clarify anything. What do you mean by “attached the manger?” Manager is a program (an application), which must be installed before it can be launched. “…all my Manager files…” adds no clarity, either. Are you referring to files with a .manager extension? Or PDF files created of Manager reports? Or old Manager data file backups? Or earlier versions of the program itself?

It means exactly what it says. But you have not furnished enough information for anyone to know the answer. Did you launch Acrobat Reader and use it to try to open some file emailed to you? Or did you try to open the attachment directly and discover that file type was set up on your computer to open with Acrobat Reader?

It would help if you post screen shots of these files on your computer prior to your attempts to open them. That way, we could at least tell something about what you are trying to do. Remember, no one can see your screen and no one knows what actions you have taken unless you tell us. We can only guess.

Please see below;

This is what happened when I received an email from my staff. As I click download the attachment the pdf Untalan In… Manager appears. Then when I click that pdf the pop up box Acrobat reader appears , then that’s it. I can’t proceed or open it anymore.

Please advise what to do.

Thank you,

Yes I have installed or update my Manager on my desktop computer

The first screenshot shows a .manager file as attached and if that one tries to open with Acrobat then your system haa associated the .manager file with Acrobrat Reader (.pdf). In such case either chose to open the file with Manager and associate it permanently or just open Manager and import the file.

As for the second file this one does not show any extension (not .manager nor .pdf). In fact it looks like the file was not completely sent by the sender or dowloaded as email attachment by you. Often this is related to the attachment filesize being far too large to be used by email. It is better not to send such large files by email but use something like Icloud or Dropbox, etc to share files.

So let the other person resend the file in another way. Do not double click on the file to open it with Manager because the wrong program (Acrobat) is associated with it. Just use Manager and Add Business → Import Business as per screenshot below and select the file you were sent.



Ok I will try that. Thanks for your advice☺

Manager io not opening in my main system. I am using this software as main for my past 7 years. I tried all the ways, it’s not working after all ways of tries. I even reinstalled Windows too. Please provide me an answer ?

Its pathetic. I am unable to make Quotations …

Please provide much more details. You mention you reinstalled Windows, so question is which version of Windows. Also did you download the latest version of Manager from https://www.manager.io/download .

Also note that "…Manager requires Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) or newer… So make sure your processor is 64 bit. Msnager no longer supports 32-bit.

I also noted that you had a similar post in May 2021 Manager App not getting installed in Windows 10

So the instructions in that post are still valid!

I installed the latest version of windows 10 pro, I used the application of the old windows 7 now does not want to open does not give any error or message.
I use 64 bit just as the application that may be the problem.
I urgently need to work the company!!

Update your Manager software. You may literally be thousands of releases behind.

Hello Sir,

I have installed the Windows 10 Home Edition Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045.

Yes. At that time I have a problem , but solved by Forum.

On 2021, It is not getting installed , and not opening Sir. Now the problem is not opening at all, and no error messages showing.

Sorry but the current year is 2024, so not sure what this 2021 means. Also note the recent post by @lubos at Mac OS Desktop Edition Internal Error - #8 by lubos