How to record receipts and payments

Hi there
I am a new user to Manager , and i am unable to find the receipts and payments in order to record please advice.

With Regards
Farhad Ahmed

please read the guides section to understand how to use Manager.

you will find guides related to receipts and payments under the heading Cashbook.

I suspect you need to enable the tab. I agree with @sharpdrivetek advice but more specifically

What are you actually trying to enter: old accounting records, starting balances, or new transactions. Depending on how your business operates you may need to enter suppliers/customers and invoices first
Cash and Bank Accounts: Set up a cash account | Set up a bank account | Set up credit cards

Cash and Bank Transactions : Record a receipt | Record a payment

Starting Balances: Set start date | Enter starting balances

Customers: Enter customers | Set starting balances for customers
Sales Invoices: Create sales invoices

Suppliers: Enter suppliers | Set starting balances for suppliers
Purchase Invoices: Create purchase invoices

Importing records from an old to new accounting system is more difficult, and typically takes days work for someone with the motivation / willingness to pay. If that’s what you want see

Also read these Guides: