How to paste clipboard back into Manager?

Sorry for a simple question, but I do not see how - in Batch Update - I can paste back my changed spreadsheet data into Manager.

I tried the procedure sketched in, from the Payments tab. I do the following:

  • Select Batch Update from the Batch Operations button
  • Press “Copy to clipboard”
  • Paste the data in my text editor. Works fine.
  • Change some data and copy the result to clipboard
  • I am then told to “Paste it back into the text field in Manager”. But where is that text field? I must be overlooking something.

Thanks for any help!

PS I am on the latest version,

The best way is to use Excel.

If you want to use the Text Editor, try using Notepad++ and make sure you don’t omit the “Tab” character. Because each “Tab” will be considered a Column Delimiter.


@AJD: Is this what I should see when I press “Batch Update”? Because that isn’t happening. The window stays just as it was before.

@Mabaega: Thanks for the tip, and I will make sure I follow it once I get the text field working.

  1. Select Batch Update.
  2. Select at least 1 item and then click the blue Batch Update button
  3. Paste data into the field

Great! Thanks a lot. I missed the second step: selecting items, then the blue button.

Problem solved… thanks again.

@Lubos this step is not in the new nor old guides because it did not exist before improving the batch processes. Could this step of selecting items be included in the new guides. Thanks.

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