Problem in using Batch Create

I have a problem using the beautiful batch function and it’s driving me crazy here is what I tried.
First, I copy everything to clipboard then I delete the data which I entered manually. then I paste the copied data but noting gets added!
I tried one line of data and only the date column gets added when I use Batch Create/Update
see the pictures below

couldn’t upload fourth picture so here it is:

What did you copy to the clipboard and where? Did you copy from the Payments tab listing or in the Batch Update process? It looks like you did the former, which is not how Batch Update works. Your screen shots show that you did not properly enter a UUID to identify the account in which you are batching creating an entry.

But why are you trying to use Batch Create (or Batch Update, if that is where you got your data) to enter a transaction you have already entered?

You need to carefully read the Guide:

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use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel to create your data instead of Notepad.

I tried but nothing changed.

please read and understand the guide @Tut provided.
batch operations are initially a struggle to understand. but if you follow the guides and try it in a test business you can get it working in no time.

This is just a safety check for me. I just want to make sure it works.
Yes I used the Payments tab.This is what I used to copy

But now I realized what I did wrong. Thanks
Is there a way to know which column would I need here ? or better yet if it was pre-populated with my data to learn which goes where.

Try creating a sample transaction for all possible accounts and then do Batch Update.
Also, most fields like accounts will only show its UUID in their relavant column during batch operations. So it is better to create one transaction each of everything first.

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Brilliant, Thank you my friend.
I started using Manager this month and I already like everything about it so far.

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