How to contact with technical support

Dear ,

we are dibaj for fabrics company located in Egypt we are intersted in the product we plan to buy it but we have some simple point that i want to add , i wonder if it is possible also i am asking how could i contact with the technical support

you are already in the right place. please explain your requirement and you will receive necessary help from fellow users.

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Dear ,

thanks for your kindly reply , we have three stores i put everyone as a tracking code , i want when i create a user and he starts to creat a sales invoice he could only see the tracking code to his own user … in other way i want to have the authourte to give every user to see his tracking code no more not all the sales invoces created.


Multiple users are available only on the server and cloud edition of Manager.
Desktop edition is only for single user.

you can control the user access levels for every user created. you can download and use the server edition as trial for 14 days. you can test the various functions and if you still find any specific requirement missing, please update on the forum.

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I already using the server editiation as trail for 14 days . and I our finialcial manger accepted the program and as i told you before we are going to buy it . the requirment is only that we don’t want the users see all the inovices created we need to add that every user could see the inovices created by him only .

Thanks for your help\

ok i understood.
there had been few discussions already on the forum regarding the user access control and there will be improvements in future updates. so you can expect a solution soon.

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Thanks for your reply and help .

Okay , But could you tell me how soon could it will be ready i apologize for my too many questions but i need to confirm it with our finicial manger .

Till now there has been no confirmation about this, so cannot comment on the dates. But since there has been multiple requests regarding this, it could be in the pipeline. The developer will be able to comment on the availability of this feature.