When creating a new payment, would it be possible to auto fill the amount of the invoice selected ?
Like this? I am using the Windows Desktop version 18.9.94
If you view and then pay the invoice, this is what happens.
The program’s design assumption is that, if you want to fully pay a single, specific purchase invoice, you will view it and generate the New Payment from the purchase invoice. All data will be autofilled. If you are entering some other type of payment, such as for multiple purchase invoices with the same supplier or a partial payment, you will generate the transaction from the Receipts & Payments tab, selectively filling information.
In the case of multiple payments, you can select the supplier, but leave the invoice number blank; Manager will allocate automatically to the unpaid invoice with the oldest due date, the the next oldest, etc. If you are making a partial payment, you can specify the amount. And you can mix and match such actions.
In summary, Manager provides a fully automatic option already. It also provides a manual approach with reduced chances of undesirable, autofilled entries.