Freeze when quitting in Mac

Hi @lubos, not sure if you know about this. Using Manager for Mac - if I quit the app without first closing the file, then Manager freezes. Have to Force Quit.

Your post does not make sense. You don’t close files in Manager. Whenever you create or update a transaction, the database is modified. What version number are you using?

Using current version.

In Mac one can close the file. Menu bar/File/close. Or one can go Menu bar/Manager/Quit. If one does the latter before the former then Manager crashes. It’s always been like that just haven’t raised the issue as no data seems to be affected.


You are only closing a window, not closing or saving a file. I cannot reproduce this, so it has something to do with your machine or location of your application data folder. Have you ever changed that?

Saying you are using the “latest” version is not helpful. The program advances too rapidly. What actual number?

I was on version 19.2.17
Just updated to 19.2.55

The problem is now no longer happening, seems odd as it’s been like that for years and I regularly update manager.

Anyway it’s ok now. Thanks for your Time.
