Form defaults not pulling through on quotes

Hi all!!
When I go to settings, form defaults - it throws out all the forms I use like my sales quotes & invoices and purchase orders & invoices, etc.

I have set default info in on the forms I want and when I open for instance sales quotes, it shows all the data I have placed in the default space. When I then go to my sales quotes and open a new quote, it also shows the data at the bottom of the form as I put it into the default info space.

BUT, as soon as I press create, the default info doesn’t show anymore. I have pulled the quote through to a PDF as well, and it also doesn’t show there.

It showed the info about a month back on the quotes, but nothing now and I can’t think of anything that changed. It is also weird that it shows the info while I am creating the quotes, but as soon as I click create, it is gone. I have double checked the custom field settings and the info is still saved there.

Please tell me what I am going wrong or how I can make the info show on my quotes again*
Thank you!!

Can you show a screen image of your form defaults edit screen, your Sales Quote edit screen and you view screen of the Sales Quote

An image is worth a thousand words, as they say

Created quote - not showing default info

From default when going into sales quote

I took screenshots of 4 images to try and make it more clear.
If you click on the image it shows the description of what I took a screenshot off*

What version number of Manager are you using?

Also, more complete screen shots would help. You have generally shown only excerpts, so it is not clear whether we are looking at the Form Defaults page, a new Sales Quote page, or what. If you cannot fit everything, at least provide annotation in your text to explain what is what.

Finally (at this point), screen shots of the Edit screens for the custom fields would be useful for troubleshooting.

Everything couldn’t fit unfortunately, even when I made the pages smaller. That’s why I added descriptions of each image and said in my previous comment that you need to click on the image to get the description. When I create a quote and when I open the quote option under the default form tab, they both look exactly the same with the info showing.

When I create/save it in the default form, it stays there when I open the form again, but when I open the created sales quote, then the info I want showing on the quote, doesn’t show at all. Just the banking details which is a whole different tab.

We are on Manager 21.2.45

First, update your software. You are many hundreds of versions behind. If there was some problem, none of the more active forum members will be able to investigate it. Let us know if the problem persists in a current version.

Second, screen shots of the definitions for your custom fields are critical. That is why I asked for them.

How do I update our manager to the newest version?

What Operating system do you use?

We are on Windows

Download from Download | Manager Make sure that you know if you have the 32-bit or 64-bit Windows program. Make a backup of your current Manager business(es) using your current installation. Make sure that you know where the backup(s) are stored. The uninstall the existing Manager program. Than install the new downloaded version. Open the program and install from backup your busines(es).

Read the Guide: Install or update desktop edition on Windows | Manager. It is the very first one on the Guides Index page.