Form Defaults

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Sorry I pressed the wrong button so the photos came alone. Here are the rest.
Using Ubuntu 16.04. I can create form fields in all needed places. Only Sales Invoice Form Defaults do not open all the way. Sales Order Form Default open all the way. Any idea why.

Read the second Note paragraph in this Guide: Manager Cloud.

Hi Tut,

Figured it out. With Sales orders form defaults it open all the way. I made a remember box in custom fields.
I opened form defaults and put a message in it. Now all my Sale orders for all clients have the same default message.

With Sales invoices Form default it only work for one client and you have to repeat it for every client. No batch option.
This is very inconvenient doing this for 400 + clients.
Sales orders can do it as a batch but Sales invoices can only do one at a time.

In future can Sales invoices maybe do it in batch.

Just seen Purchase orders and Purchase invoices do the same.



You did not read the Note in the Guide I sent you. Read it and follow it. You only have to do it once.