For Dutch users only: Eerst kekken dan kwekken

The topic header is a Dutch saying in dialect. It says: look first and then shout.
Today is the last day Dutch users can submit their VAT tax-return for Q4 and then they realize that there is something “wrong” with their “Concept BTW Aangifte”.
My reaction: no there is definitely NOTHING wrong with it.
The problem is that they haven’t configered their VAT rates correctly or they created custom codes Once you have imported the Initialization file, you then have to check the VAT codes whether they are linked to the proper VAT liability account. Press the Edit-button next to the code and check it.
Most of the users that complain haven’t checked that. The last couple of days I have helped some users with the correct setting in their system and surprise: All errors were gone.
Custom VAT codes are neglected in the report. Manager calculates only the predefined VAT codes.

Lots of success



:+1: And thanks for all your efforts!