Concept BTW aangifte contains incorrect numbers

Please see the attached example below.
As far as I understand it, the [Localizations] are not accessible for the time being.
Who can now ensure that, for example, the Draft VAT Declaration contains the correct figures again?
This declaration is for now absolutely unusable for the users of the program.

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This was an error on my part. Fixed in the latest version (22.1.97)

Thanks! Very nice that the report has now been corrected and can be used again

Hello Ries, I can’t find the concept BTW aangifte. Ik heb bij rapporten gekeken… I’ve got the free Manager version and updated last week. Wat doe ik fout. thanks in advance. Greetings

Hello Henk, first make a new topic with your question. This is to avoid confusing questions and answers.
(Your question has nothing to do with the incorrect figures in the VAT return. Moreover, this has been solved).
As for your question, perhaps you can find the solution to your problem via the link below.

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