hello, i am trying to import csv file from my bank to manager.io, it was working fine, only thing i needed to do was to delete irrelevant columns and leave only DATE, DESCRIPTION AND NET. however today i get this message whenever i am try to import. Any idea?
I am using the latest version
You need to select a file to upload
If when that’s done you get an error then there’s a problem with the formatting of your file. Looking at it with a text editor (not a spreadsheet or word processor) is likely to help. Failing that posting a test file which fails for you would enable forum users to help you.
hi @Patch the file is very simple, Date, description and net (Amount).
the file has been selected, but the moment you click on Next, the error shown above appears.
You are looking at the file contents in a spreadsheet program.
Please look at the file contents in a text editor. You have a file format problem so it is important to see the file formatting.
hi patch, see picture.
One thing though is that i have previously imported csv files that worked, so i did retry to upload those files again that i used previously but this time i get the same error, i think something change in the software.
The fields I’m aware of Managers cvs importing are listed here Fields recognised in Bank CSV import
What date format have you set in Manager. In particular is it the same as your CVS file?
i have changed the time format to match the date from the file to be imported, i also changed the column headers as recommended by @lubos, same issue.
Are you sure that you used the $ sign in previous CSV files? Try to remove it in the spreadsheet (replace all $ with nothing). Then export as Comma-separated Value (.csv) see screenshot. Thus NOT as CSB UTF-8(Comma delimited) (.csv).
Import this new file.
- that file as it comes from your bank
- and your bank does not offer other more standard formats as described Bank feeds for real time accounting - #5 by Patch and Import bank statements | Manager
If so lubos may want to accommodate your banks format given
@eko is right; amounts shouldn’t contain a currency sign.
does not work, and taking the $ symbol from hundreds of cells is not feasible as it will take a long time and prompt for errors.
The weird part is it used to import before with no issue, all I needed to do was to edit the cells Header to match what manager requires, and they had $ symbol. This is happening in a great timing as i need to finish end of the year accounting
You should use the replace all $ to nothing function in Excel. Is not taking much time at all. After replacing All the $ with nothing select the column, right click and select Format cells and choose number. Alternatively copy all to a text editor and make sure it is saved as plain text c.s.v file
PM me both a shortened CSV that you claim worked (ensure in a test business it still does) and one that you claim does not work.
I received your csv file. I removed the following columns:
- Payment Date
- Type
- Payment ID
- Collected
- Fees
- Deposit ID
- Location
I then edited the remaining column headings to:
- Date
- Description
- Amount
I then did a find and replace ALL $ to [empty]
Then saved it as Comma-separated Value (.csv)
Then imported it without issue see screebshots:
No problems.
uhmm, did you try with $?as i said i used to import with cells containing $ and had no issues…
No $ with empty
Are you sure? The $ sign makes it a text field and Manager would not recognize it as a number.
Sounds like @lubos maybe willing to look at the raw file from your bank.
Sorry, I actually can confirm it does work also with the dollar sign. So are you sure that the bank account you select for the statement is set to USD? I can not replicate your issue with your data, they work for me including the $ sign.