Error Message at Invoice


I am getting the errr message attached while trying to send my invoice as an email or saving as PDF.

How can i solve this issue? Thanks,


Such messages have been discussed many times before on the forum. Search for answers. Usually, they are related to PDF generation errors caused by custom themes, not by any flaw in Manager. Before anyone can offer further advice, you will need to provide information on operating system, edition (desktop, server, or cloud) and version of Manager. Also, determine whether or not the problem persists with the default Plain theme. And post a screen shot of the invoice you are trying to send.

Please see the screenshot attached. This screenshot is with plain theme.
I am using Mac Os Sierra 10.12.6 and I am using the Desktop editon.
Manager version 17.10.25.

Actually I figured out why this problem happens while I am writing this message to you.
If you copy a text from excel or word or probably anywhere else, it gives you this error.
But, if you write the same text inside the Manager, the problem dissolves.

Thanks tough,

Interesting. It sounds like when you’re copying from your Excel / Word document, you are copying a special character of some kind that Manager doesn’t know how to handle.

it is the same letters that i input :slight_smile:

Not all characters are necessarily the same between fonts and applications, regardless of how they look on screen. Additionally, things copied from word processing or spreadsheet files almost always have formatting embedded within them.

Also, I was not referring to the screen shot of the error message, which you posted, but of the finished invoice you were trying to send, which you did not.

When I say a special character, I mean something that is most likely invisible. The only way to view it (and be sure that this is happening) would be to paste the copied content into a text editor that is capable of displaying special characters.

Try something for me next time you find some content that doesn’t copy from Excel:

  1. Copy from Excel
  2. Paste into Notepad (do not use Word or another editor that allows formatting)
  3. Copy from Notepad the same text again
  4. Paste into Manager

Does that solve the problem? If so, then it confirms what I think is the issue. Pasting into Notepad, and then copying from Notepad, generally removes all formatting and special characters in the copied content.

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This works just fine as you told me so. I have copied the text from excel to notepad and copied the same text from notepad to manager, this worked.

But the interesting thing is, I have input that text to excel also. Thanks for your help though.

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You may not realize that Excel, Word, and other programs insert the invisible special characters automatically, as part of formatting and other processes.

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