Enter key is driving me nuts

I use the enter key to confirm submissions - opposed to clicking “send” / “submit” / “upload” etc, you get the point. But as soon as I hit the enter key I get yeeted out of the software and have to log in again

Does anyone have a fix for this? I can’t deal!!!

Are you referring to the Manager accounting application? This forum is only for discussion of that application. If so, what edition (desktop, server, or cloud) and version number? In general, Manager requires you to click the specific functional button for the action you intend.

this is with reference to the Manager Application.
i am using the desktop edition v20.10.92

the enter key has always worked fine, until now - it exists the application :frowning:

You should update your software. You are hundreds of versions behind.

This reminds me - I have a consistent software crash, even on a recent version. I believe it’s different to what you’ve recorded here so I’ll work out how to reproduce it and report it separately once I’ve done that.

As for your problem… agreed with Tut that you’re very far behind on updates & updating may resolve the issue.