what operating system is used on your desk top computer as the procedure varies?
windows 10
So you are using Firefox. What happens if you change to another browser as your default?
Open Manager desktop
When you click on the screen in Manager you are clicking on a web page in webview2 or Internet explorer (the browser chosen by Manager).
Right click on one of the areas in Manager desktop which takes you to a new page. A drop down menu will appear with the option to “Open in a new window”. Choose that option
That will open Manager in the default browser you have chosen for your system
From that browser you can copy the address to any other browser
For other descriptions of this process see Batch update copy to clipboard - #13 by Patch
I changed the default into chrome, and the footer and header unchecked. but the marking is still there.
What version of Manager ?
Hi Joe.
It’s 21.5.37
Download the latest and install from Download | Manager At the time of this post it is 21.8.0
ok, thanks for the info
Gan Mau tanya yang dibawah itu pake apa ya? “Penerima Pengirim dll”
computer translation
This is an English only not Indonesian forum.
Also please post questions pertaining about the accounting software Manager only
FYI: I’m not a programmer. This may be not an elegant solution, but serve my purpose.
<div style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; border 1px"><br> *** PERHATIAN! Mohon barang jangan dibalik & ditindas. Barang yang telah diterima tidak dapat dikembalikan! *** <br><br></div>
<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">                <u>PENERIMA:</u>                                                           <u>PENGIRIM:</u>                       <u>DISETUJUI:</u>                       <u>DISIAPKAN:</u></div>
<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">(Stempel, Tanda Tangan, Nama) <br><br></div>
how to enter HTML? help screenshoot for me
go to /settings/themes/ then edit the theme
@whenry please try removing footer through your printer in the process of printing the document
I think that you done some wrong things here so its generated.
Because regular A4 page in manager is working fine for all other users.
Hi Ahm, how to remove the footer through the printer driver? there is no setting for footer and header in the print setup.
Thanks Ahm for the reply.
Hi AaiRlz. I’ve created a testing company, and put everything on defaults. But the marking is still there.
Thanks for the reply.
Is it there when you access Manager desktop using Firefox web browser? See the above post for details of how to do this End of page marking - #24 by Patch