Emails won't send

OK, @bartona. Your only issue, then, is that your provider requires port 465 and Manager does not support that for technical reasons. Your only choice will be to create PDFs and send them as attachments to emails using your regular email client.

Have had the same issue using the desktop version from home went over to a mates workshop and finally got it working of his internet, came home and the same issue happened hot spotted of my phone and I could send emails again

Hi Tut, my usersname to access my email is I have tried every other possibility, but nothing seems to work. In the past it worked perfectly!

@Andries, this is something you need to work out with your email provider.


Hi Patch I believe it was with different internet providers and I still can’t send from my home internet but can send if I hot spot of my phone that is a different internet provider
yes the error message was appearing in the test mode

Hi Tut, I solved the problem by creating a new Gmail account and then using the following instruction as stated in your Forum:

Step 4: Configure email settings in Manager

Enter the Gmail details under Settings tab, then Email Settings .

  • Set Email address to your Gmail email address
  • Set Hostname to and port to 587
  • Set Username to your Gmail email address.
  • Set Password to your Gmail password (or app password if 2-Step Verification is enabled)