Email error internal server

when I try to email an invoice from a desktop version - it comes up with internal server error 2 - I have emailed invoices before with no problems

I am getting the same error (error 2). I have been using manager for 2 months now and the email option has always worked fine before. Please help!

What version are you using? Can you upgrade to the latest version from to see if the problem persists?

I am facing th same problem and updated to latest version as well on my windows client. WHen I tried to email invoice it failed with following error.
“The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at”
Meanwhile i received a message from Google on my Gmail saying that:
“Someone just tried to sign in to your Google Account from an app that doesn’t meet modern security standards”

That means you are using custom SMTP. Manager successfully made connection but Gmail has refused to the request to send an email.

What port did you set under custom SMTP? Did you check Use SSL option?

I used port 587 with “use SSL” option checked.
Also provided my login credentials to Gmail for SMTP server authentication.
But it is still not working.
Error message: “The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required”

Also tried it for port 465. But it gave error message; “Failure sending mail.”

It appears, Gmail now requires OAuth. It won’t accept SMTP connection even if it’s via SSL unless you allow “less secure applications” to access your Gmail account.

See: Less secure apps & your Google Account - Google Account Help

Thanks Lubos :smile:
It worked !

I am using version 15.6.11 of Manager

I also tried the gmail Auth. you suggested but that still didn’t work

Have just upgraded and it seems to be working now

If i upgrade my old data will wipe off?

Definitely not. Updating the application only updates the program. All your data is stored separately and is re-used.

My email is not working as well who do I upgrade

Just download and install the latest version from the website (assuming you are using the desktop version). No need to uninstall anything.

I’m having a difficulty in sending a report through email. The system indicate this " The remote name could not be resolved: ‘’ ".

@Leslie_ann_Galano, upgrade to the latest version which will fix the problem.

How often do we need to upgrade so we can circumvent these email errors in future?

he remote name could not be resolved: ‘

how can i get rid of this error…

@CC62, this is the first time upgrade was required to fix an email error. You should still upgrade once a month or so. That way if you don’t like some change in functionality, you can participate in development process and your feedback will be taken into the account.

@AlHafeezScanAccount, upgrade to the latest version from

How do i upgrade to the latest version ? Problem with sending email invoices … Do i need to re download ?