E-Mail Settings - Alias and Non-Public Server

I decided to try out invoicing and e-mailing through manager. I have it working almost how I want it.

In google workspace, I’ve got an alias set up “noreply@mybiz.com” and when other automated systems SMTP relay through google, they add a From: address header different than the username. I was hoping that if I filled in the e-mail address box first, then put the username (which includes an @ sign, making the e-mail address box disappear) into the username box, it would do the trick, but it does not. For now, I am using myrealuser+noreply+someotherstuff@mybiz.com to at least hint at the fact that the user shouldn’t reply to the e-mail. Is there a way to do this with the exising UI, or is that a feature that doesn’t exist yet?

I also have a server that I intended to keep on a private network, so the “view” links will not work in that situation. Is there an alternative method of displaying the formatted invoice directly in the message? I’ve used the PDF generator from “Obsolete Features” to allow me to keep the server behind the firewall, but I’m not sure how long that will be available. If there’s a better or “more manager.io” way of doing this, that’d be good to know.

I’ve decided against using manager for generating invoices. The tax features aren’t really usable in my situation, and the whole template/footer situation still seems to be under fluid development. I’ll just keep track of customer accounts and invoicing elsewhere, and use manager for the accounting.

About your tax situation, could you please discuss your requirements in more detai?

You can still use Custom Themes

I was really having fun with the Custom Themes, and they would enable me to solve all of my “wishes” as far as customer facing documents go. I worry that they’ll stop being supported somewhere around the version that has a “must have” feature :slight_smile:

My tax situation is basically that I have line items that are taxable, and some that are never taxable. I also have individual tax rates by customer.

The issue has been discussed at length in the forums, and the consensus is that the required modifications would be too much work to adapt the program if it only benefits users in a single country.