Download transactions and records


My auditor needs my records of 2021 for audit purpose and to submit to the tax authorities.
Is there anyway i can download the daily payments.expenses made to PDF or Excel for the whole year in 1 file or folder?

The only option i see it to do it daily and this will be tough.

Is there anyway i can export the records for 1 accounting year in any format?

What do mean by daily payments.expenses?

It would help us to understand if you used the same terminology as Manager

The General Ledger Transactions report can produce a list of all transactions for the period

It can produce a pdf or be exported to Excel

Thanks for the assist. I apologise that i had to leave office before i could send.

We record daily transactions under payments.

So we do this daily for the whole year. We were thinking it is possible to do abatch download for a whole year on all the daily payments recorded…

Have you examined the options I proposed ?

Follow this guide to produce general ledger transactions.
The actual transactions will be supported by your invoices and bank statements

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let me try it out.

I will read extensively and try it out.