I was trying out the cloud version of Manager and the trial has expired, now I cant login, how can I download the data file so I can continue with the desktop version?
The trial version has already expired, I can’t login, and I don’t have a backup for the latest data. the link in that quote does not work.
@Ben7230 check the Customer Service option at Cloud Edition | Manager
there is a link to download backup under the Existing Customers heading.
Thanks that worked.
This should be made easier to find. On the “Your free trial has expired” page, there should be a link directly to download your data file.
This seems to have been removed. Is there any other way to download a business from an expired Cloud edition trial? We will be making the payment and resuming the subscription, but unfortunately organising it has proven more of a challenge than I anticipated.
Thanks. When I follow the link sent to my email I get the message, “Empty. If you expect here something, please come back tomorrow. Backups are refreshed once a day.”
I’ll try the support email.
@GrahamvdR downloading backup using @eko solution unfortunately doesn’t work for users in Africa/Middle-east region yet (this is due to Amazon AWS limitations which I have already complained to them about). Just email to support@manager.io
and we give you access different way.
Thanks @lubos. I’ve sent an email.