Decimal problem in invoicing

I am using manager server (17.7.14) on windows 7.
for sales quote we normally use excel sheets,
Below is one of our Sales Quote
18,000 Meter x 3.708333333 $ = 66,750.00 $

Our offer we only show two digit decimals (3.70) on our sales quotes , as per the same our client will make purchase order
In Manager Server Invoicing for getting exact purchase order figure, we have to enter all decimals (3.708333333)

But on the client invoice we can show only two digit decimals (3.70). if we make same like in manager server, we get only

18,000 Meter x 3.70 $ = 66,600.00 $ - 150$ lose for one order

Kindly suggest the solution to resolve this

when making an invoice, if you enter the unit price as 3.708333333, then your invoice total becomes 66749.999994. Rounding this will make the total 66750.

if unit price can be shown only as two decimals, then why not round it to 3.71 ?
also, you can give the excess total as a discount added on another line.

if we enter unit price 3.708333333 on invoice print out it will show same. for our international orders we cannot show all the decimals or discounts, only two (3.70) we have to invoice exact same as the purchase order

by round off to 3.71 this much quantity po value will go high (66,780.00)

Yes, but their point was that:

  1. “In Manager . . . . we have to enter all decimals”
  2. “on the client invoice . . . show only two digit decimals”

Yes, but then show a discount

why do you use separate sources for accounting? why not prepare sales quote in Manager? the rounding method will differ if you use two separate accounting methods.

there is not discount in our purchase order, for champer purpose and our internal standards we have to maintain for invoice as per client purchase order

our normal sales quotes having more than 100 lines. every time we have to create inventory for this much items ( we don’t keep stock also) . so at the time of purchase order only we will enter in manager

the purchase order you receive is as per the sales quote you provided your client. why do you provide a quote which cannot be reproduced on an invoice? is there a specific reason you calculate the unit price as 3.708333333?

sales quotes do not affect any inventory. you can enter the items directly in the Description field for the line items.

@shaheerlatheef, you send out a mathematically incorrect quote (18,000 x 3.70 does not equal 66,750.00). Your customer then sends you a mathematically incorrect purchase order (same error). It is not reasonable to expect Manager to handle those errors and produce a total that is what you want.

You have two choices: Do as @Brucanna suggests and apply a discount, or produce a sales invoice like this:

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Thank you for the Reply,

Give us a update in software we will enter all decimal (3.708333333 ) in invoice, on printing time software only show two decimal (3.70), displaying all decimal is not accepted by our office standards.

How to make below options

I am using manager server (17.7.14) on windows 7.
for sales quote we normally use excel sheets,
Below is one of our Sales Quote
18,000 Meter x 3.708333333 = 66,750.00

Our offer we only show two digit decimals (3.70) on our sales quotes , as per the same our client will make purchase order
In Manager Server Invoicing for getting exact purchase order figure, we have to enter all decimals (3.708333333)

But on the client invoice we can show only two digit decimals (3.70). if we make same like in manager server, we get only

18,000 Meter x 3.70 = 66,600.00 - 150$ lose for one order

Kindly suggest the solution to resolve thi

a solution was already given to you. rounding 3.708 to two decimals is 3.71 and not 3.70
accounting standards cannot be changed for user preferences.

Even if there was a software update, as explained, you would still be showing on the quote / invoice a mathematically incorrect calculation - 18,000 @ 3.70 CAN’T equal 66,750.

You can prove this to yourself, take your Sales Invoice at 18,000 @ 3.70 - 66,750 and attempt to enter this as a Purchase Invoice using - Qty = 18,000, Unit = 3.70 and make the total = 66,750 : you can’t.

Now the question you should be asking yourself is this - if my customer is using Manager for their accounting, HOW can they enter my invoice for 18,000 @ 3.70 and get a total of 66,750 : they can’t. They would have to get a calculator out and work it out to be 3.708333333.

So the very thing you are trying to avoid - long decimal number - your customer ends up needing otherwise they can’t process your invoice as it is sent to them.

Then your office standards is the issue - not Manager.
Manager can only do calculations based on internationally recognised mathematical formulas - not based on your “office standards”

When creating an invoice, do not use the Qty column. Put the total in the Unit Price column.

Please explain the reason that more than 2 decimals is not accepted.