Customers who have purchased a specific item

Hi. I’m trying to find an item that a customer may have purchased. Is there no way to search for an item? Ie: customer purchase a leotard with the name Phoebe #58. I would lke to be able to search for “Phoebe 58” and bring up all the customers who have purchased this specific item.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Is this item inventory item or non-inventory item? If it’s inventory item, you could view ledger for this inventory item which would reveal customer names.

If it’s non-inventory item, then you could view ledger for income account that is associated with that non-inventory item. Then you can use search function to narrow down transactions involving that non-inventory item only.

There will be further improvements to Edit Columns functionality which would allow to view this information in more straightforward way.

I’m assuming it’s non-inventory item, as in the screen shot - I type exactly what the item is
So in this case I type “Leotard: Size 10 - Galaxy #2P

How do view ledger for income account?

In this case, you are not using items at all. You want to be able to search across line item descriptions.

There is already related topic on this idea.

Also, you are using fairly old version. Why not upgrade to the latest one from

No, non-inventory items must be defined in the Settings tab. You just have manually entered descriptions. Read the Guide about non-inventory items.

@newfiecutie this is now possible in the latest version.
