Create a overview from purchase invoice lines

Hi, i added a custom “Order” field on Purchase Invoice - Lines. Now i want to create an overview, similar like the bank transactions, of all the purchase invoice lines and search/filter them to get an overview off all the purchased items for a particular order. Does anyone know how this can be done.

P.S. I’ve tried Tracking-codes they don’t work for me.

Line item custom fields are not exposed for custom reports. Regular custom fields are, however, exposed. So you can only do what you ask at the purchase invoice level, not the line level.

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It would be very handy when custom reports could also be used on line-level custom fields. Maybe @lubos can consider to add this possibility. Can and will you please put this in the ideas category.

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I don’t know if this is technically feasible, so I won’t put it in the ideas category. But @lubos will see this thread, so he can decide. I know he favors adding custom fields, and already did so for transaction-level ones.

Custom reports will definitely support this.


Thanks, do you know approximately when this is possible.

Hello! I’m also looking for this feature, it’s like additional column on line invoice would be a waste if we can’t summarize all entries in one report.

It can’t even show those invoice-line custom field on the Purchase Invoice List.

Hi @lubos, if i may ask is there any progress on my request? This feature would be very usefull for many users to have.

Hi @Frankie.

I run a trading company and all my purchases I do are bound to an offer I made. All offers I make do get a 5 digit number (yyxxx) as a running number and when I get a PO for an offer then I create a tracking code for that offer and a project is made, using the yyxxx number throughout all my business. In my explanation now I wil give it the number 20001 (first offer in the year 2020).
Now, I have the PO from the client then I prepare my PO to my supplier with a running number for my PO’s but I add the project number 20001 in the beginning of the description of my PO and in the purchase invoices as well. Then when I want to find all orders I made to that project later on I just enter “20001” in the search box and I get all the results I need.
For reporting, I add a tracking code to all sales invoices and purchase invoices. That way I can see easily the profit/loss for each sale I make when I enter “reports” and select “Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)” (create a new report and then select the tracking number for the project you want to see and enter the date period and then you have the final summary automatically).
I hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply but when i order multiple items at once from my supplier for different sales orders, lets say, 1 piece product A for sales order 1 and 1 piece product B for sales order 2 how can i filter or make a report of te purchases per sales order.

You cannot. That is why this is in the ideas category.

And thanks for that, but is there or do you know a work around.

I cannot think of any more ways to say no.

Thank you very much for your answer and i sincerely apologize for asking such a stupid question. What was i thinking that there could have been changes since Oct. 2018. Again, thank you very much and have a nice day.

If your idea is implemented, it will be announced in this topic, added to the Releases page, and included in the monthly newsletter. At that point, this topic would be removed from the ideas category.

Meanwhile, @Frankie, I notice that you have not voted for your own idea at the beginning of the thread. Doing so may increase the chance it will be added to the program.

Thanks for the tip. And to anyone else who reads this, please vote!

@lubos ability to select line item custom fields might help in creating some localized reports using Custom Reports and not necessarily Report Transformations alone. It would be better to explore all possibilities for obtaining localized reports.

This has been implemented in the latest version (