Currently the only thing I can think of is to look at the date stamp of the backup then scroll through the program archive to find a program a bit older Restoring data issue - #2 by Patch
Mmm, I sometimes make more than one backup with the same Manager version. Obviously date recency will solve this so not a real issue. As for putting the version in the name, indeed copy and paste would solve this as well. I am not a particular fan to put full-stops (.) in a filename, mainly because in the past that was not even possible and I kept the discipline ever since. So for me I would edit this by removing them when saving, but am not against the idea proposed here.
Each time I update manager I create a folder with the version number as it’s name, save the download in that folder, and save any backups for that version in there too. This way if it all gets stuffed up or I need to roll back for some reason I have the corresponding version with the backup files.
Currently I’m running 21.8.7 so all my backups go in that folder.
All this solutions imply the backup to be done through the specific button and not through a script on the data folder.
I propose something simpler and flexible. Every time one tries to import a manager file, a popup will worn you “You are trying to import a file created with version xxx. Once imported the database structure will be updated to version yyy and will be not be backwards compatible”.
Through this popup one will know the database version and will have the choice to open it with the latest version or the original one (or an intermediate one).
Great idea.
Thinking about it more it it believe the version limits are driven by the data file structure number which I thought doesn’t exactly follow the Manager version number.
As a result when importing Manager could only report the data file was from a Manager version … or older.