May I know, Is it possible to Clone Sales Invoice and make it as Purchase Invoice! Say I have purchased something & little modification are Required Like Changing of Amount and Cleint ?
Cloning creates another transaction of the same type. What you need to do is use the Copy to function: Use the Copy to function | Manager. After copying, everything can be edited.
Thank You @Tut I had noticed this feature but never went in details. You saved me
I add two Custom fields as Columns for my invoices But when i clone it as Purchase invoice the data is custom flied is not available ?
Custom field content will carry over when identical fields exist for the destination form type. See the third note in the link I sent. Line-item custom fields, which must be what you are referring to when you mention creating additional columns, do not carry over.
@tut I followed all the steps mentioned in link & found that it does not work in Purchase Invoice - Line & Sales Invoice Line.
Example is shown in pic attached. Where I try to use PNR as custom field.
I already told you that: