Can't run app on laptop

I was happily using Manager yesterday, but just tried to open the app and get the following error: 'This app can’t open on this PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher. I am using the desktop version, don’t want to download the app again as I foolishly did not do a back up yesterday. Any ideas?

What OS are you running on your laptop?

Feel free to re-download, as the information isn’t stored in the application itself.

I am using windows 10

Okay, then download the latest version from here: Download | Manager

And if you still have the same error after reinstalling, please post a screenshot of the error dialog.

Thank you. Have downloaded and am really pleased to say am back up and running with all the latest information. I thought I would have to install the back up but extremely pleased to know that the information isn’t held within the application itself - so relieved. Thank you for responding to my distress call so quickly.

No problem, glad to hear it’s working :slight_smile:

You should read about backups here to spare yourself future anxiety. Other things will probably also make more sense.