Good morning and happy new year. I decide to do an update and I sailed. I installed and it says: Unable to run the application on the computer, to find a version contact the company.
I can not open the proggram now.
Please help
you will have to provide more details.
what OS? which Manager version did you download?
make sure you downloaded the correct installer according to your OS architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).
Thank you for the answer.I have the 21.3.83 version and i try to update buy i cant . It shows the same :
Unable to run the application on the computer, to find a version contact the company
you have still not provided answer to any of my questions.
please provide your OS details and also the link to the Manager version you are trying to download.
You are asked by @sharpdrivetek which operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS) you are using and which Manager version (latest available at Download | Manager) you are using. The error you get is that the operating system of your computer does not work with the Manager version you are using. @sharpdrivetek also indicated the importance to know in case you use Windows if it is 32-bit or 64-bit, because you need to use the alternative version if 32-bit direct download at Download | Manager
i use windows 10 (32 bit) and i had the version 21.3.83.
I tried to update to vergion 22.1.33
I guess you mean Windows Manager v22.1.3 (there is no 33 yet). So try the following:
If not done so yet make a backup of your businesses, but I am sure you will have done already because it is what one does before updating anything
Uninstall [click the link to know how] the Manager version on your system [click the link to know how].
Do a fresh download of Manager for Windows 10, the following link starts the download Download | Manager
Install as any program on Windows
If business data for whatever reason is not found then import the businesses from backup.
You may have done all this before, but I would advise to follow all the steps precisely. If you still get an error then share the screenshot(s).
UPDATE: indeed 32-bit version as @sharpdrivetek mentioned, I changed the link above to direct download the 32-bit version
for 32-bit OS you should use the alternative download. Download | Manager
I try both ways and when I get to install the system crashes.
I also save the backup on a stick and when I open it for confirmation I get a HTTP 500 error