I updated successfully to desktop Manager 16.11.83 and now I cannot use, add, or remove a company in Windows 7.0 SP1. Any ideas what to do next? I do not see how to uninstall and reinstall an earlier version at this time. Any other ideas?
When you say you cannot… why not? How exactly is the software behaving, at what point you get stuck?
I can open manager to the business selection. When I attempt to open a business, it usually does not open, just stalls at the business selection. If it does open, I can only get the dashboard or perhaps cash. But I can do no posting as only blanks are brought up. If I attempt to remove a business, it is as if the red button is not pushed at all. It just waits. If I attempt to add a business, the blue button just waits. I have enjoyed this program so very much. It is surprising this has happened. I use malwarebytes, antispyware, and microsoft windowsdefence. This computer is seldom out on the internet, to update manager, quickbooks, and send an occasional email. No websearches. No virus found. No spyware found…
November 18When you say you cannot… why not? How exactly is the software behaving, at what point you get stuck?
I don’t think this is something to do with Manager. It seems like your Internet Explorer has some weird security settings preventing JavaScript from executing.
You should install server edition, and access the server edition on the same computer from within “Internet Explorer”. Internet Explorer will give you some warning to ask you enable something (my guess). Once you enable it, click around to see whether Manager operates normally. If it does, close server edition, launch desktop edition and you will see it will be working fine.
Yes, the problem was internet explorer. All is working well now. Thank you.