Business lost while adding another business

I have a desktop version. I have one business only. Today I was adding another business and suddenly, the old business is also not showing. It shows this way. I had a backup but it is last April’s backup. Is there any way, I can restore my data?

Thanks for helping.

That’s a very old version of Manager - the current available version is

Your version is probably 100s, and possible 1000s, of versions behind

Have you tried opening the business ?

You really need to take backups more regularly than once a year!

The business is not showing. Old backup I have opened. It is opening. I need to update. You are correct.

What do you mean by “The business is not showing”?

Have you tried opening the business “cf89…” ?

What operating system are you using?

It is a journal file. Just a blank screen was showing. I am using Windows. I read one guide and below are the files, it is showing. But all these are old files.

In the trash, just one 000000 file that I have just deleted.

The 00000 file you deleted is a file Manager uses to keep track of things - you should not delete it

I have no idea what you mean by a “journal file” - there is nothing called “journal file” in Manager. Using terminology which is clear to you but not used in Manager is very confusing as nobody knows what you are talking about

Search your file system for your business file - it may be that someone moved it inadvertently or deleted it by mistake
Read the guides
Manage application data folder contents | Manager
Move desktop application data to another folder | Manager

Finally your files are meant to stored in the folder shown at the bottom of opening screen