This is the screen I got and none of them have any data I had 6 companies up ther
I just reinstalled manager and the same thing I thought it would at least come up blank so I could start again. The silly thing is for 2 days I have been working on the 6 companies and did not back each one up my mistake I know but have been working hard out
Once at the data folder, you should see files like these:
00000000000000000000000000000000.manager is an SQLite database holding a list of businesses, users, and global preferences. This file is generated automatically the first time you launch Manager and updated as businesses and users are added or removed or global preferences are changed. It contains no accounting data. If the file is deleted, the program will generate an empty version of it. Businesses can be repopulated into the file by restoring them from backup.
Sorry so how did that happen I just click on the desktop icon like I always do and thats how it opened
so are you saying I have to remove the many files that are sitting there and import the correct ones
some program may have deleted the 000000000.manager file. that’s my best guess, yes try looking in the data folder for the businesses that have been updated recently, (use sort by date) and then import them.
also Try looking in the recycle bin,
If an active business file was moved from the application data folder by accident, Manager will regenerate a file with the required name. However, the recreated business will have only default tabs and no accounting data. The recreated business should be removed. The associated data file should be deleted. (It will probably be the most recently created file in the folder.) The previously removed file with the same name should be moved back into the application data folder.
When satisfied all businesses are present and include expected data, delete removed files from their temporary location.
I just started again. at least the ones I did not back up I had hard copies for
My own fault for not backing up all the time.Thank goodness the majority of them I did just had the 6 left to do