Bank reconciliation not recognizing money paid from bank account

During the reconciliation process you were asked to enter closing balances at the end of a particular day.

For the NOVA CONSULTING on 28 September 2015 and 30 September 2015 you entered the following closing balances.

Check both balances to make sure you entered them correctly.

Closing balances
Closing balance
Edit 28/09/2015 N$ 159,655.99
Edit 30/09/2015 N$ 4,584.71
Net movement
− N$ 155,071.28

i paid 155071.28 from the bank spend money option. In the payee field i left it open.
member loan does not appear in the list for payee. The bank account is paying out to the member.
Manager does not see it as a transaction.

How do i do it for manager to see it as a transaction.?

Bank reconciliation can see only Cleared transactions.

Go to edit bank transaction which you claim Manager can’t see in bank reconciliation and make sure the status is set to Cleared.

It is cleared. But i have nothing in the payee field.

Payee field is irrelevant for the purpose of bank reconciliation.

What is the transaction date? Is the transaction dated on 29/09/2015 or 30/09/2015?

For some reason my date was changed. i restarted manager and it is now reading the transaction.
Thank you.