Auto-populate amount when manually adding invoice to payment


I am suggesting a new feature to make bulk payments easier in Manager.

When making a payment and selecting accounts receivable/supplier/invoice, it would be useful if the invoice amount could be auto-populated once the invoice has been selected from the search results.

At the moment, amounts need to be manually filled after an invoice has been added to a payment via search from the accounts receivable/supplier/invoice dropdown list. When paying several invoices at once, searching for the invoice totals and manually adding them requires extra work and room for error.

If the invoice total is auto-populated, it can later be modified if paying a different amount, instead of entering the amount manually each time.

Thanks for an otherwise great product.

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Why not just click Reports Tab, then click Supplier Statements (Unpaid invoices) click View to view the Statement then click Copy to then click New Payment and there you have it, a new payment with all totals filled in.

Same method with Accounts Receivable just click ( Customer Statements (Unpaid invoices) )

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@itmoto’s suggestion certainly works. But it does require creating a statement for the relevant time period first. Such a statement might be little use and involves quite a bit of date setting and drill-down clicking.

Bit confused by this?

I don’t need to select any time period, it simply shows a list of all invoices that I have to pay for a particular supplier. Copy to new payment, everything is filled out. No date setting and drill-down clicking needed.

I could have chosen better words. The original post included this:

So I assumed @whereskarlo was trying to pay a specific invoice. To do that with your approach, you would first go to the Reports tab, then select Supplier Statements. Then, you would want to set the date so nothing was included after the date of the targeted invoice. Then you would drill down on the supplier in question. Then you have to click and select for the copy function. Then you would have to delete all the invoices you were not trying to pay.

Compare that to what @whereskarlo suggested. Enter a new receipt and select the right account/customer/invoice. Much more straightforward.

This assumes two things:

  • You already have the date set at Today.
  • You want to pay every purchase invoice, whether due or not.

If that is your workflow, I agree your method is easy. If not, it’s more work.

I was more going by this statement:

Wishing to pay several invoices at once, I read that to be that he wished to clear his account for that supplier by paying all outstanding invoices (as I do at the end of each month with my supplier)
@whereskarlo’s request is a good one and I also requested this several years ago and have been doing it manually until I found the report and copy to function. I must admit, I have never set any date ranges before as when I pay for suppliers invoices and generally pay all of them in a single transaction. I personally found clicking the X on the end of each line removing each Invoice i did not want to include far easier than having to manually, in payments, select another line – accounts payable – supplier – invoice number.
But you are right other peoples work flows may and will be different.

The Today date option is default. So unless you went looking to set a custom date, you wouldn’t have noticed it. But, if you do set a different date, it will stay in effect until changed again.

Good to know, thanks. Will have to look out for that if I ever edit the date range.

Thanks for the replies and suggested solution. I will try this approach next time and see how it works. Meanwhile, is there a chance @lubos would like to integrate this functionality at some point in time, or put it on the roadmap?

I put it in the ideas category as soon as you posted it, @whereskarlo.

Ok, thanks for letting me know. Happy Holidays to you all.

Hello, Sir

Please include this suggestion in the upcoming upgrades, I beg the developers. Although I appreciate that you have a roadmap in place, this functionality has been requested for a very long time.

Developers are kindly requested and thanked for their support.