I just realized on aged receivables report if costumer balance starts by starting balance, The report is not being listed the related costumer on the list.
Is there any algorithm back side or kinda missing point of software.
Can you clarify what you mean? Are you referring to a customer for which you entered sales invoices prior to your Start Date in order to set the customer’s Accounts receivable balance? Or did you enter a starting customer credit? In other words, exactly what did you enter and why do you think it should show up in the Aged Receivables report? And what shows instead? Screen shots may help to illustrate your question.
Your screen shot does not provide enough information. What is it a screen shot of? It seems to be a drill-down listing, but of what?
Whatever it is, your problem is probably related to the journal entry shown on it. Starting balances are not entered with journal entries. They are entered as accounts are defined under Settings, and only after first setting a Start Date under Settings. This is true except for customer and supplier starting balances. For those, see these Guides: