Address not appearing on top

My business details like location and address are not appearing on top of my documents–

@Humphrey_musiitwa, your post was moved to a new topic, because it was not related to the topic where you posted it.

Have you entered your address under Business Details in the Settings tab? There is a Guide covering this.

My business details are updated. The challenge is that they appear at the bottom instead of appearing at the top next to the logo

You need a Custom Theme to customize your Document view.

Although available these are in obsolete features and thus not supported by the developer. Also some newer features such as Footers do not work with Custom themes.

Until now, Custom Theme is the only feature that we can use to customize document views.

Footers are not needed if we use Custom Themes.

Yes and the point still remains valid that is has been put in Obsolete features by the Developer and is therefore no longer supported even if it works. Any error, initiative, etc will be for the user. Just for your information we stil use Custom themes as we never experienced a problem but others (search the forum) definitely had. So when investing now in developing themes you may be disappointed if you then need to replace it with a new system, especially as in the post announcing the themes becoming obsolete that Liquid would be replaced with Javascript.

Rather than argue about whether or not to use custom themes, let us return to @Humphrey_musiitwa’s original problem. He already appears to be using a custom theme or his business details would not be appearing at the bottom of his documents.

@Humphrey_musiitwa, you need to post a screen shot of the entire Edit screen for one of your transactions where this occurs. Also post a screen shot of the Form Defaults screen for whatever type of transaction you show. I suspect you have either (1) chosen one of the old built-in themes that placed this information at the bottom by design or (2) written a custom theme that did the same.

Why are my business details at the bottom?

@Humphrey_musiitwa, your link to a PDF was deleted. PDFs are security risks to other forum members. Use a screen capture tool and post the screen shot directly into your message.

Please show the EDIT screen of the Sales Invoice transaction

@Humphrey_musiitwa, we cannot help if you do not provide the requested information. What I can tell you is that you are using a custom theme, just as I suspected. The full solution depends on getting all Edit screens I asked for.

That’s the Smooth Blue theme built in in Manager’s older versions. If someone changed your business address to the top, then I suggest you contact that someone to change it again.