So my problem is this:
15% VAT is applicable to all sales and purchases and Tax Codes were entered as 15% accordingly.
The problem that we’re having is that the Tax Liability is more than what it should be…
|Code| Description| Unit price |Amount|
| — | — | — | — | — |
|KG100| GASKETS 100mm X 3mm|250| R 13,16| R 3 290,00|
|Sub-total|R 3 290,00|
|VAT 15%|R 493,50|
|Total|R 3 783,50|
On the Tax Summary, however, the Tax on Sales is shown as follows:
Invoice Amount Tax on Sales
2021/08/25 — 54783 — 2021/08/25 — 3 783,50 567,53
This is a real issue and we can’t figure out why this is happening…
Any assistance would be appreciated.