In the customer statements report the header of “overdue” in dutch is “betalingsherinnering”. This is an incorrect translation. It should say something like: ‘te laat’ (too late) . “over tijd” would also be ok, but it seems weird.
Hi Joris,
A couple of minutes ago I changed the translation into “Dagen achterstallig”.
It takes 24 hours for the translation tool and Manager to synchronize. To see the new translation you have to download the latest version of Manager, let’s say after 24 hours from now.
Kind regards,
Hennie Eerhart
Dutch translation team
Hallo allemaal,
Zojuist alle herinneringen weer de deur uitgedaan; ik kreeg van een van mijn klanten terug dat hij het “ACHTERSTALLIG” op de factuur niet zo klantvriendelijk vond overkomen. “herinnering” leek hem beter, ik kan me daar op zich wel in vinden. Ik weet natuurlijk niet wat jullie overwegingen bij de vertaling zijn geweest, maar wat denken jullie daarvan, of is er een mogelijkheid om de stempel zelf aan te passen?
When you look in the plain theme and search for,
{% if emphasis.text != null and emphasis.positive %}
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 40px"><span style="color: #006400; border-width: 5px; border-color: #006400; padding: 10px; font-size: 20px">{{ emphasis.text | upcase }}</span></div>
{% endif %}
{% if emphasis.text != null and emphasis.negative %}
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 40px"><span style="color: #FF0000; border-width: 5px; border-color: #FF0000; padding: 10px; font-size: 20px">{{ emphasis.text | upcase }}</span></div>
{% endif %}
You can replace {{ emphasis.text | upcase }} with the text you want.
First of all, this forum is in English so please communicate in the English language.
You send a customer a “statement = rekeningoverzicht” or a “reminder = betalingsherinnering”.
The original text on the report you refer to is “overdue” for which the Dutch equivalent is “achterstallig”.
There isn’t a dictionary where you find “herinnering” as a translation for “overdue”
Maybe it doesn’t sound very customer friendly, but on the other hand, not paying in time isn’t very supplier friendly. As member of the Dutch translation team I don’t see it as a good reason to change a correct translation into a “non-correct” one.
Sorry, I was not informed that English was to be used even in topics specifically related to Dutch translations. No problem.
I am aware, of course, that the translation of overdue is achterstallig, don’t lecture me please, it’s quite condescending. Thanks! The only thing I was thinking about was keeping the relation between me and my customers as good as possible. Pointing them to a justification because ‘the dictionary says so’ is not very wise.
I’ll try Frankie’s suggestion of altering the text myself!
And I thought the Dutch appreciated clear and concise language!
Sorry, I’m not lecturing you and it was not condescending.
You yourself asked what were the thoughts behind the translation and that is what I explained. Nothing more and nothing less.