Invoice change

I want to chance the date by making te invoice. Date is in english, i want to make it to dutch

so first the day / month/ year

But i cant find it in the theme, is the anyone who can help me?

{% if business.logo != null %}{% endif %}
{{ title }}
            <table style="margin-bottom: 20px"><tr>
                    <div><b>{{ }}</b> {{ recipient.code }}</div>
                    <div>{{ recipient.address | newline_to_br }}</div>
                    <div>{{ recipient.identifier }}</div>
                <td style="border-right-width: 1px; padding-right: 20px; text-align: right">
                    {% for field in fields %}
                    <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
                    <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ field.text }}</div>
                    {% endfor %}
                <td style="padding-left: 20px; width: 1px; white-space: nowrap">
                    <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ }}</div>
                    <div>{{ business.address | newline_to_br }}</div>
                    <div>{{ business.identifier }}</div>

            <div style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px">{{ description }}</div>
        {% for column in table.columns %}            
        <td style="font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 10px; text-align: {{ column.align }}; border-left-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px{% if forloop.last == true %}; border-right-width: 1px{% endif %}{% if column.nowrap %}; width: 80px{% endif %}">{{ column.label }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
    {% for row in table.rows %}
        {% for cell in row.cells %}
        <td style="padding: 5px 10px; text-align: {{ table.columns[forloop.index0].align }}; border-left-width: 1px{% if forloop.last == true %}; border-right-width: 1px{% endif %}{% if table.columns[forloop.index0].nowrap %}; white-space: nowrap; width: 80px{% endif %}">{{ cell.text | newline_to_br }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for column in table.columns %}            
        <td style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px{% if forloop.last == true %}; border-right-width: 1px{% endif %}">&nbsp;</td>
    {% endfor %}
    {% for total in table.totals %}
        <td colspan="{{ table.columns | size | minus:1 }}" style="padding: 5px 10px; text-align: right{% if total.emphasis == true %}; font-weight: bold{% endif %}">{{ total.label }}</td>
        <td style="border-left-width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding: 5px 10px; text-align: right{% if total.emphasis == true %}; font-weight: bold{% endif %}">{{ total.text }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

    {% for field in custom_fields %}
        <td colspan="99">
            <div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 20px">{{ field.label }}</div>
            <div>{{ field.text | newline_to_br }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

    {% if emphasis.text != null and emphasis.positive %}
    <tr><td colspan="99"><div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 40px"><span style="color: #006400; border-width: 5px; border-color: #006400; padding: 10px; font-size: 20px">{{ emphasis.text | upcase }}</span></div></td></tr>
    {% endif %}

    {% if emphasis.text != null and emphasis.negative %}
    <tr><td colspan="99"><div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 40px"><span style="color: #FF0000; border-width: 5px; border-color: #FF0000; padding: 10px; font-size: 20px">{{ emphasis.text | upcase }}</span></div></td></tr>
    {% endif %}

You can select it under the preferences tab


Screenshot of Voorkeuren - Manager

Thank you is see it.

I have another question.

There are reports outstanding claims but in this report i cant see the invoice number.

I can make a new report but i dont know how to do it.
when i click on it then i must type select * from …
I dont now what it is?

can you help me?


As far as i know there is no documentation for custom reports. But when you click on the amount in the outstanding claims report you should see the invoices.

Your question is not clear, probably because of the way you have translated something in Dutch into English. Can you be more specific?

There is no report or anything else in Manager about “outstanding claims.” What exactly are you referring to? The Sales Invoices tab list? A Customer Statement report? Expense claims?

What information are you trying to obtain? There is probably a way to get it.

Yes my english is not so well.

Yes thats correct, but i dont see the invoice numbers. And if we must pay the creditors is it handy that there is a voice number from the creditors bij outstanding debts

You are looking at the Aged Payables report. Click on the blue number to see a list of invoices contributing to it for that supplier.

You can also click on the Supplier tab, then click the number under the Invoices column for the supplier in question. Or click the supplier’s balance under the Accounts Payable column.

Or, you can click the balance of Accounts payable on the Summary page, then click the balance for the supplier.

Or, click the Purchase Invoices tab and enter the supplier’s name in the Search box. This will return a list of invoices and statuses for that supplier.

Or, in the Reports tab, generate a Supplier statement of Unpaid invoices type.

Lots of ways to get what you need. :wink: And all the same techniques work for Customers and sales invoices.

Okay, thank you for this explanation

i understand that i can look up the voice number,.
But my colleague does the payments.
So if i can give her a report with aged payables and voice number from the creditors.
That would be handy.

Can i make an custom (own) report?
Or is that not possible?

Click on the Purchase Invoices tab. Search for the status you want. Or sort by clicking on the column headings. (Reverse sort order by clicking again.) Export the list to a spreadsheet and manipulate as you like. See this Guide: Manager Cloud.