Totals of debits-credits in Journal Entries - Custom Themes

Hello all,

I have used custom themes for journal entries, however I noticed that the total debits-credits are not shown in the final document. I tried to make adjustments in the code of the custom theme, but I did not managed to find a solution. Do you have any idea how to solve that?

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Customs themes are your own responsibility. They are considered an obsolete feature and will soon be removed from the program.

Having said that, if you want to ask for help with a custom theme, you need to post its code. No one will have any idea why it does not perform as you wish if we cannot see the code.

Further, what version of Manager are you using? There was a time not so long ago when totals were not a part of journal entries. A theme can only display information the program has passed to it. It changes appearance, not content.

Lastly, I wonder why you are expending the effort of creating a custom theme for a purely internal transaction type that should be rare when using Manager.

First of all, I would like to mention that custom themes are very helpful (in my opinion). You can make a lot of adjustments (as the colours) or/and changes (for example, the format of an invoice or a receipt).

The code is based on “Smooth Blue” - a custom theme provided through an older version of Manager as follows:

Cloud Version

As I can see, in the current version, totals are a part of journal entries (in their default theme).

Actually, it is for visual improvement. My query derives from the difference beween the default theme and a custom theme (I might have used a version when totals were not a part of journal entries and this may be the reason I was driven to this situation).

In any case, I strongly believe that custom themes are a very useful tool (for example, we can adjust the sales invoices as we like) and it will be very disappointing if this feature would be removed.

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The developer has already said this but without indicating any timeline

I may understand the reasons why (for example, the questions arise due to custom themes, as it is my current topic!). From my perspective, it would remove a useful capability to make the adjustments we would like. In any case, developers know better…

@evans, at first glance by this low-skill coder, it looks like your custom theme is probably fine. It includes the code for display of the table.totals array. So I think you have encountered a dead end related to evolution of the program. Understand that no one except the developer knows what all the evolutionary steps have been.

However, we do know that the default display, which previously used a Liquid theme named Plain no longer uses any theme at all. All content is displayed via some other scheme. That means the developer no longer is restricted to variables defined in the old Plain theme. While the default display for journal entries does, indeed, show total debits and total credits, none of the previously available custom themes do. That fact implies those variables are no longer named the same way they used to be. So I believe, if you want to see them, you will have to use the default display rather than any custom theme, whether previously built in or written from scratch. I do not know of any way around this.

The developer previously announced he would not remove custom themes from the program until suitable functional replacements for their features were available. You may have discovered leakage on that plan.


Yes, and this is important to be resolved and seems no priority while for many users it is important that they can style their invoices, receipts, etc if only to distinguish from competitors. I worked many years with a brilliant programmer but always had to insist on better user interfaces and especially theming. He was not a designer and could not care less but our staff insisted and as his boss I had the power to insist too. However, as a customer of Manager I do not have any such powers and just hope that this important feature from a user perspective does not get ignored, however I admire the rest.


This is not sharing your code but a mere screenshot. Don’t expect people to manually write down line by line in a newly created custom theme just to try and help you with it.

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There is going to be new way of doing custom themes. It will be much easier than what we have now. I’d suggest just wait for the new way.