I am unable to run Manager, getting the above captioned error. This is new and I can’t find a solution. I have:
-re-installed the version I was/am using, 22.9.1350 from a saved msi
-upgraded to V
-cleaned windows 10 cache
-turned off virius protection
-launched program as and as not Administrator
Nothing has worked so far and I am hoping someone might have a solution or suggestion before I am forced to do a restore.
Humm…I guess that’s me. This is a single home user using the desktop version. Also I should have mentioned that Manager is the only program affected. I can run Office, my browser and numerus others so thinking it’s Manager related. Thanks.
So, @rungek, you say you are “unable to run Manager.” Exactly what did you do, and exactly what was the result? Can you launch the application but not open a business? Are you unable to launch the application? You did not say.
It would also help to post a screen shot of the error message, rather than transcribe it.
“Exactly what did you do”
I clicked on the shortcut for Manager just like I always do and was very surprised by the windows error message
“exactly what was the result”
The windows error message
“Can you launch the application”
Program launch is interrupted by the error window. If I choose ‘continue’ I get a blank box with Manager title banner. No business listed.
“This program is blocked by group policy” is a Windows message and has nothing to do with Manager so I recommend you check the group policies in your system and if you don’t know how then consult an IT expert.