My email used to work fine up to recently. Then, out of the blue, the following error message was given whenever I try to send a document by email.
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required. Learn more at
I went through all the ideas in your online tutorial for email setup noting the following:
- I allowed access to my Google account
- I allowed less secure apps
- I checked my email about someone else trying to access my Google account and responded that it was me.
- I did NOT set up 2 step verification
- I checked my manager e-mail setting, particularly the following:
HTML checked
Port is 587
host name is
password is correct - ichanged it to the correct password and i could see the password displayed since I checked “show password”
I have now spent more that 4 hours on this issue and can still not send e-mails. Reading tutorial and taking all the steps as suggested just do not help at all.
What next??