Summary View Not Showing Suspense Transactions


I was initially using Manager Version 19.7.13 for Windows 7. Recently i found out that of my suspense transactions and unbalanced Journal Entries are not showing on the Summary Page under automatic Suspense Account Head. I tried to resolve the issue by updating to the Latest Release 19.7.41. But still the problem persists. Suspense account on summary page was quite handy for identifying any mistakes. Kindly have a look, i think its a bug. I am also attaching screen shots for your convenience. Thank You

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Summary View Not Showing Suspense Transactions - #12 by FaridKhan

you have not shown what date range the Summary is set to display.
transactions in Suspense account outside the date range set for Summary will not be displayed.

I am using 19.7.41 and i can see Suspense account on the Summary page.

As said by @sharpdrivetek you have probably set a wrong time range.

I have not specified any date range. I have also inserted some dummy entries on different dates to see if that is the case. But still its not showing up.

read the guide Set reporting period | Manager

if you still find issues post screenshots of the relevant transactions and also of the Summary date set.

I think i should try doing a clean install instead of updating. Maybe this will resolve the issue. Will post my findings after that.Thanks.

the installation and your business file are completely different. a clean install will not solve your issue if your business file is corrupted because you are again importing the same corrupted data.

anyway, you can try doing it and if it still does not solve your issue, you can import an older backup.

Can you post your chart of accounts, the balance sheet side?
Did you make structural changes to your Manager business when it stopped working such as disabling tabs.

i do not think the chart of accounts will have any effect on the Suspense account because of the following reasons as mentioned in the guides.

You can have multiple equity section so while the user cant move it, we may not be looking where it is.
The alternative is Business file corruption, and doing things the programmer hadn’t allowed for is the mostly likely way of doing that.

@FaridKhan the only thought coming to my mind regarding your issue is maybe you have cleared the Suspense account with a Journal entry.
and your screenshots prove that you do have Journal entries linked to the Suspense account. this might have caused an unbalanced situation in Manager. the Suspense account behaves the same way as any other account in Manager and so the effect of Credits and Debits to the account is applicable to the same.

Dear I tried a clean reinstall which did not worked. I tried all my backups but the problem was there. So to clarify the issue that either its a business file issue or manager’s internal bug, i created a new business and inserted dummy entries in payments and receipts but the suspense account was still not working. So finally i found the problem. It is the issue with manager programming. Even with the fresh ‘Northwind Traders’ File the problem is still there. Let me describe with Northwind example.

I created a new payment:

It is showing in Payments and Reciepts

Summary view is not showing any suspense amount:

Now i updated the payment and assigned it to a ‘checking account’ but did not specified the account for line item:

You can see now summary will show suspense amount:

Now i will create an unbalanced Journal entry

You can also see that its not appearing in the suspense amount on the summary


Its a bug. Manager will not account suspense transaction unless a head account is specified. If its left empty manager will not include the amount in suspense.
Unbalanced Journal transactions are also not being shown as suspense in summary view.

ok thank you for the clear explanation and now i can see the issue.

when i entered a payment with only my bank account selected, the amount appeared as Suspense in the Summary.
when i edited the same payment and deselected the bank account, the amount was not shown as Suspense in the Summary.

@lubos this is a bug which needs to be fixed.

FaridKhan, why do you find it useful to enter a transaction with no source or destination account? So was this a rare event for you or a regular occurrence?

I do not consider this a bug. In @FaridKhan’s example using Northwind, so little information has been entered, the program does nothing with it. There is no cash or bank account to credit for the payment. And there is no account in the line item to debit. In other words, a payment was entered that came from nowhere and went nowhere, for no purpose. So Assets, Liabilities, and Equity all remained unchanged. Likewise, no income or expense account was affected.

If the incomplete transaction were credited to Suspense, a balancing debit would have to go somewhere, such as Starting balance equity. Then you would have an even bigger problem.

The solution is not to enter meaningless transactions. Meanwhile, the program ignores them if you do.


Obviously it was a rare event. By mistakenly i made a transaction long ago without a head account mentioned and that transaction was buried in other transactions for a whole year. And when at the end of year i reconciled my Payments and Receipts, there were some missing transactions which were posted to suspense but were not showing on the summary view. So i was both confused and intrigued to see why such negligence happened and it went on for so long without a clue.

Right. Its not actually like that someone intentionally enters meaningless transactions. Human beings make mistakes and that is why software were invented to avoid those mistakes. I made a transaction in the past and did not specified the head account or sub accounts for some reason, by default it should be posted to suspense account and shown in the summary for rectification, but instead it went on for almost a year without a clue. Obviously it did not affected the BS and PL accounts, but it did made a room for a missing transaction in manager resulting in any physical transaction being not accounted. Thanks for taking time to see my matter. Thumbs Up!

@FaridKhan, in the future, such meaningless transactions can be easily spotted by routinely scanning the lists of receipts and payments (the Contact field will be blank) and journal entries (Unbalanced status will show). There is no reason for them to go unnoticed for any lengthy period of time. They are in plain sight.

@Tut sorry but i cannot agree with your statements. the purpose of the Suspense account in Manager is to record transactions which Manager cannot properly resolve.
and since the erroneous transactions are recorded in Manager, it should be notified to the user irrespective of how meaningless the transaction is. it is not the decision of Manager to decide the intention of the user for entering a transaction and considering it meaningless.

the last line of the guide on clearing transactions in suspense account proves my argument.

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Well, @sharpdrivetek, I believe we must agree to disagree. In my view, this is not a case of transactions Manager cannot properly resolve, but of transactions where there is nothing to resolve. When there is sufficient information to create a situation requiring resolution, Manager places the transaction into Suspense. But that implies the program cannot properly resolve either the debit or the credit leg of the transaction. In the situation being discussed, neither can be identified, which is what makes the transaction meaningless.

Nevertheless, Manager still preserves what has been entered, conforming to the Guide. But that Guide is about clearing the Suspense account, not about everything that can happen when erroneous entries are made. The fact is, placing one of these meaningless transactions into Suspense would require the program to generate other transactions to balance the credit or debit to Suspense. And that would make the problem worse, as I mentioned before. The current approach (1) preserves any data entered, (2) avoids corrupting either the balance sheet or P&L statement, (3) prevents additional, artificial ledger entries, yet (4) still provides easy detection of the error in the tab listings.

That is why I don’t consider this a bug. @lubos is free to make a different decision, of course.