Suggestion for additional custom field types

I’ve created a custom column on my purchase invoices for internal use (only used for numbers). When sorting by that column isn’t sorted in there right order in both ways (ascending or descending).


As you can see from the custom field form, all custom fields are defined as different varieties of text:

42 AM

Custom fields are for display of information, not calculations. So Manager treats numerals the same as other text characters and sorts in alpha/numeric order. This is because custom fields might contain both letters and numerals.

Thus, when sorted in ascending order, “112” comes before “17”. The first characters are identical, so the sorting routine goes to the second character, and “1” comes before “7”.

I’m familiar that text is sorted this way. But by adding a numeric possibility to the dropdown-menu will improve the usage of custom fields.

I’ll put this in the Ideas category. Dates have also been mentioned in the past as a possible custom field type.


Yes, please.
Numbers and Dates would both be extremely useful to have.


can you please consider automatic customs field ref no. so that we could use it in bank, payslip, purchase invoices and other tab

This feature doesn’t appear when creating a custom field on sales invoice line items.

What are you referring to as “this feature?” Several things have been discussed in this thread.

Line item custom fields are always text entries. And their format is limited by the line structure.

Added to the latest version (18.7.65)

You can set custom field to Number type. This will make numbers in your custom column right-aligned and sortable. Plus you get total at the bottom of the table.


Great! Thanks!

@lubos how about adding the possibility to choose from total, average or nothing? Not always a sum fits.

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I agree with this.

May I know if the number is automatic or we should entered manual

Hi @lubos, if the auto-increment option also would be implemented this would be great.

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Yes, autoincrement would be perfect

@abdulbari, numeric custom fields are for manually entered numbers.

@Frankie, the topic you quoted about automatic numbers for journal entries and purchase invoices is more than two years out of date. Both those transaction types now have autosequencing. Update your software if you have not.

Is it better if we start a new topic sudjesting autonumberig custom field?
