I can no longer Print my Invoices as I now get this error. Can someone please help.
Thank you.
I can no longer Print my Invoices as I now get this error. Can someone please help.
Thank you.
What versions of Windows and Manager are you running? And are you running the desktop, server, or cloud edition of Manager? Did this problem occur after updating Manager? Are you printing directly with the Print button or generating a PDF and printing that?
I am using the following:
Windows 8.1
Manager 15.7.35
Desktop Version No Updates
Printing directly to Printer & PDF worked just fine until last month now will not print to printer or to Pdf. am now just getting error message.
You need to update your Manager software. You are literally thousands of versions behind. You were probably affected by a Windows update. No one on the forum will be able to help you with a program so old. Be prepared for many changes. Be sure to backup first.
Thank you Tut for your input makes sense now. Not sure how I am going to update as I new got notice of new versions or updates the software. If it so old perhaps it is not worth updating. At this point I can not afford to loose my data customers or inventory records. Have been using this software for at least 3 years now. Not sure what to do.
Thank you for your help.
You won’t lose any customers data. Make a backup first and just download the latest version and install it. Do not remove the current version first.
Just download the appropriate version and install over the top of your existing version. Do not uninstall anything first. The installation process will convert your old data files to new formats (necessitated by added features). Nothing will be lost. Download here: Download | Manager.
The reason I said to make a backup first is because there is a remote chance your data format is so old it will not be automatically updated. If that happens you will know it. The developer will need to convert your file.
Thank you Tut. I did that wow lots of changes for sure. Will take some time to review all the changes. It will Print to PDF but not just print to printer this is okay but when printing to Pdf it does not print our company logo Is there a fix for that?
Your logo is probably too large or an incompatible format. Limit size to 250KB. PNG works flawlessly. Read the Guide about logos.
Thank you reduced it to less than 225 kb png but still did not work saved it a jpg file it is not 112 kb and it works fine